Sunday, October 23, 2011

Explanation for Hiatus: The Patriot and Rear Window

I'm sorry for the lack of reviews for the past two weeks. Let me explain myself.

I got "The Patriot" in the mail from Netflix, put it in the Blu-Ray... and it didn't work. Why? THE DISK WAS SPLIT IN TWO. So then my Dad kindly went to Blockbuster (which still exists?) and got it there--but by now it was about nine o'clock so I only got halfway through the movie before going to bed, and since it was a 24 hour rental, I didn't get to finish it.

Here is what I know about the Patriot so far:
It isn't happy.
The fighting is INTENSE.
The soundtrack is beautiful.
I have a hard time watching Mel Gibson (probably no thanks to his reputation nowadays.)
In the future, I plan to borrow it from a friend in order to finish it :)

This week, I planned to watch Hitchcock's Rear Window... unfortunately, it's World Series Week, and the TVs are never available. So hopefully I will review that soon enough as well.

Many apologies, and GO CARDS!

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